If your piano has not been tuned for several years it may require more than one tuning. The first tuning is a pitch raising and brings the piano back up to A:440 and leaves the piano in average condition. The second tuning consists of a temperament and very fine adjustments to the strings.

We use advanced technology to level out and prepare the piano and then go over it again" by ear" to achieve superior results. We keep detailed records on your piano, your preferences and any repair problems. We also offer a scheduling service in order to maintain the piano on a regular basis. Our customers prefer a scheduling system as it insures the piano will be well maintained and the date and time will be ideally suited to their hectic schedules.

Our tuning fees are standard rates for qualified piano technicians who have an established reputation.

To schedule a tuning please include the following information:

Name, address, telephone number, best time to call you to set a date and time.  Send to garynbrownfield@comcast.net  

We not share your information.  If you are concerned, please call to schedule.

781-648-0096 (Massachusetts)

603-329-8338 (New Hampshire)  You can also text this cell number.

888-768-2688  (Toll Free)

Service Areas:

BOSTON: Boston, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Waltham, Arlington, Belmont, Lexington, Burlington, Woburn, Bedford, Acton, Concord, Lincoln, Wellesley, Weston, and more.

NORTH: Newbury, Newburyport, Amesbury, Chelmsford, Haverhill, Methuen, Andover, Tewksbury, Lowell, Harvard, Littleton, and more.

Salem, Nashua, Bedford, Manchester, Derry, Windham, Hampstead, Atkinson, Plaistow, Kingston, Exeter, Newton, and more.

Here's What The Manufacturers say.....

Baldwin Piano Company: "All new pianos require frequent tunings and action adjustments during the first year as they adjust and settle under the local climatic environment. For Baldwin pianos, we recommend three or four tunings and inspection of the piano action in the first service year. Thereafter, we recommend a minimum of two tunings annually by a competent piano technician. It is expected that pianos in heavy commercial or artist use may require more frequent service attention." (Willard Sims, Baldwin Piano Service Manager.)

Kawai Piano Company: "Quality pianos demand quality care. Time, environment, use patterns and artistic sensitivity all contribute to the need for a customized maintenance schedule. We advise that the piano owner follow the recommendations of a qualified tuner-technician who knows the climactic conditions of the area and is responsive to the needs of the performer." (Jim Harvey, Piano Technical Manager.)

Steinway & Sons: "Your Steinway piano was tuned many times before it left our factory. It was tuned to and should be maintained at A:440 pitch. This is the internationally accepted standard and the standard for which all Steinways are engineered. Unfortunately, no matter how expertly a piano is tuned, atmospheric variations and the nature of the piano's construction constantly conspire to bring it off pitch. Your Steinway has been designed and built so that in normal use and under normal conditions it should need only periodic tuning. We recommend that your tuner be called at least three or four times a year. You, however, are the final judge and should have the piano tuned as often as you think necessary. To put the matter of tuning in perspective, remember that a concert piano is tuned before every performance, and a piano in a professional recording studio, where it is in constant use, is tuned three or four times each week as matter of course. Tuning is an art practiced by skilled professionals and under no circumstances should anyone other than a professional be allowed to tune your Steinway." (Joe Bisceglie, Manager, Technical Standards.)

Yamaha Piano Company: "New pianos should be tuned a minimum of four times the first year to compensate for the normal settling that takes place. Subsequently, as a matter of standard maintenance, a piano should be tuned at least two times per year. Of course, some musicians will choose to have their piano tuned more often to satisfy their own personal musical requirements. When your piano needs tuning, call a skilled qualified specialist." (Yamaha Piano Service Manager.)

(The following is from an article by Dr. Wm. Braid White)

"A fine piano is a work of art. Therefore, to treat it roughly, carelessly or negligently is to commit a crime against a beautiful piece of expensive craftsmanship. To pay a lot of money for a fine piano and then allow it to go to ruin for lack of expert care is not merely aesthetically wrong, it is bad business."

"No matter what any salesman may say, no matter how finely the piano may be made, no matter, in fact, what the physical circumstances or the price or the domestic conditions may be, there is no such thing as a piano standing month after month in tune. The better the piano, the more frequent and careful tuning it should have."

"In order to understand why a piano goes out of tune, it is first necessary to remember that the whole instrument is always under varying stress. The 230-odd strings are stretched at an average tension of from 150 to 200 pounds apiece, so that the iron plate, together with the heavy wooden frame, carries a strain totaling from 18 to 20 tons."

"From the layman's standpoint, two tunings a year is customary, however, three or four times a year is highly recommended. Tuner's know, moreover, that if they had time to tune their own pianos as often as their ears tell them, they would tune them once a month."

"From a strictly scientific point of view, it is a probably true to say that no piano ever made has stood perfectly in tune, without a drop or rise, for more than 24 hours, unless it were maintained at constant temperature and at constant barometric and hygroscopic conditions."

(Note: Please examine the information under humidity control systems for a solution to the above problem.)